Kenyan shilling conversion

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Kenyan shilling →

this page last updated:: Sun 22 Jul 2018

Kenyan shilling

Worldwide use:


The Kenyan Shilling is the official currency of Kenya. One Kenyan Shilling is worth 100 Cents. Coins come in 1, 5, 10 and 20 Shillings. 50 Cents and 40 Shilling coins also exist but are not often used. Banknotes come in 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 Shillings. 10 and 20 Shilling banknotes are rare.

The Kenyan Shilling is sometimes referred to as a 'bob.' This comes from an old English phrase for a 1 Shilling coin. In some parts of Kenya, new currencies such as the Bangla-Pesa are being used to help some of the poorest areas of the country. M-Pesa, a mobile payment system, is also becoming popular in Kenya.


The first known currency of Kenya was the use of Thalers, silver coins, dating back to 1800. However, these were predominantly used on the Kenyan coast and did not catch on further up the country. The Indian Rupee proved to be more popular when it was introduced by Indians who were working on the Kenya to Uganda railway in 1896. Subsequently the Indian Rupee was made the official currency in 1905. In 1922, after Kenya became a British colony, the East African Shilling was introduced to the country and remained the official currency until 1964 when Kenya claimed its independence and then began distributing its own currency, the Kenyan Shilling in 1966. The East African Shilling continued to be used alongside the new currency for a while but was discontinued in 1969.

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