US Teaspoons to Metric Cups

US Teaspoons to Metric Cups conversion calculator

Metric Cups to US Teaspoons (Swap units)

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1US tsp = 0.01972cup metric

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

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US Teaspoons to Metric Cups conversion formula

Metric Cups = US Teaspoons / 50.720999

US Teaspoons to Metric Cups calculation

Metric Cups = US Teaspoons / 50.720999

Metric Cups = 1 / 50.721

Metric Cups = 0.01972

US teaspoons

A US teaspoon is a measurement used in the United States for cooking and baking. One US teaspoon is about 4.93 milliliters.

Metric cups

Metric cups are used in cooking and baking to measure ingredients such as flour and sugar. One metric cup is 250 milliliters or a quarter of a liter.


US Teaspoons to Metric Cups table

Starting value
US Teaspoons
Metric Cups
0US tsp
0.00000cup metric
1US tsp
0.01972cup metric
2US tsp
0.03943cup metric
3US tsp
0.05915cup metric
4US tsp
0.07886cup metric
5US tsp
0.09858cup metric
6US tsp
0.11829cup metric
7US tsp
0.13801cup metric
8US tsp
0.15773cup metric
9US tsp
0.17744cup metric
10US tsp
0.19716cup metric
11US tsp
0.21687cup metric
12US tsp
0.23659cup metric
13US tsp
0.25630cup metric
14US tsp
0.27602cup metric
15US tsp
0.29574cup metric
16US tsp
0.31545cup metric
17US tsp
0.33517cup metric
18US tsp
0.35488cup metric
19US tsp
0.37460cup metric
US Teaspoons
Metric Cups
20US tsp
0.39431cup metric
21US tsp
0.41403cup metric
22US tsp
0.43375cup metric
23US tsp
0.45346cup metric
24US tsp
0.47318cup metric
25US tsp
0.49289cup metric
26US tsp
0.51261cup metric
27US tsp
0.53232cup metric
28US tsp
0.55204cup metric
29US tsp
0.57176cup metric
30US tsp
0.59147cup metric
31US tsp
0.61119cup metric
32US tsp
0.63090cup metric
33US tsp
0.65062cup metric
34US tsp
0.67033cup metric
35US tsp
0.69005cup metric
36US tsp
0.70977cup metric
37US tsp
0.72948cup metric
38US tsp
0.74920cup metric
39US tsp
0.76891cup metric
US Teaspoons
Metric Cups
40US tsp
0.78863cup metric
41US tsp
0.80834cup metric
42US tsp
0.82806cup metric
43US tsp
0.84778cup metric
44US tsp
0.86749cup metric
45US tsp
0.88721cup metric
46US tsp
0.90692cup metric
47US tsp
0.92664cup metric
48US tsp
0.94635cup metric
49US tsp
0.96607cup metric
50US tsp
0.98578cup metric
51US tsp
1.00550cup metric
52US tsp
1.02522cup metric
53US tsp
1.04493cup metric
54US tsp
1.06465cup metric
55US tsp
1.08436cup metric
56US tsp
1.10408cup metric
57US tsp
1.12379cup metric
58US tsp
1.14351cup metric
59US tsp
1.16323cup metric
US Teaspoons
Metric Cups
60US tsp
1.18294cup metric
61US tsp
1.20266cup metric
62US tsp
1.22237cup metric
63US tsp
1.24209cup metric
64US tsp
1.26180cup metric
65US tsp
1.28152cup metric
66US tsp
1.30124cup metric
67US tsp
1.32095cup metric
68US tsp
1.34067cup metric
69US tsp
1.36038cup metric
70US tsp
1.38010cup metric
71US tsp
1.39981cup metric
72US tsp
1.41953cup metric
73US tsp
1.43925cup metric
74US tsp
1.45896cup metric
75US tsp
1.47868cup metric
76US tsp
1.49839cup metric
77US tsp
1.51811cup metric
78US tsp
1.53782cup metric
79US tsp
1.55754cup metric