Cubic Feet to US Gallons (Dry)

US Gallons (Dry) to Cubic Feet (Swap Units)


Note: Fractional results are rounded to the nearest 1/64. For a more accurate answer please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

Note: For a pure decimal result please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Show formula

Cubic Feet to US Gallons (Dry) formula

US gal dry =
ft³ * 6.4285
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More information: Cubic Feet

Cubic Feet

A cubic measurement is the three-dimensional derivative of a linear measure, so a cubic foot is defined as the volume of a cube with sides 1 ft in length.

In metric terms a cubic foot is a cube with sides 0.3048 metres in length. One cubic foot is the equivalent to approximately 0.02831685 cubic metres, or 28.3169 litres.


Cubic Feet to US Gallons (Dry) formula

US gal dry =
ft³ * 6.4285

US Gallons (Dry)

A US capacity measure (for dry material) equal to 4 quarts or 4.404 liters. Note also there are different measures of US liquid gallons and UK gallons.


Cubic Feet to US Gallons (Dry) table

Print table
< Smaller Values Larger Values >
Cubic Feet US Gallons (Dry)
0ft³ 0.00US gal dry
1ft³ 6.43US gal dry
2ft³ 12.86US gal dry
3ft³ 19.29US gal dry
4ft³ 25.71US gal dry
5ft³ 32.14US gal dry
6ft³ 38.57US gal dry
7ft³ 45.00US gal dry
8ft³ 51.43US gal dry
9ft³ 57.86US gal dry
10ft³ 64.29US gal dry
11ft³ 70.71US gal dry
12ft³ 77.14US gal dry
13ft³ 83.57US gal dry
14ft³ 90.00US gal dry
15ft³ 96.43US gal dry
16ft³ 102.86US gal dry
17ft³ 109.28US gal dry
18ft³ 115.71US gal dry
19ft³ 122.14US gal dry
Cubic Feet US Gallons (Dry)
20ft³ 128.57US gal dry
21ft³ 135.00US gal dry
22ft³ 141.43US gal dry
23ft³ 147.86US gal dry
24ft³ 154.28US gal dry
25ft³ 160.71US gal dry
26ft³ 167.14US gal dry
27ft³ 173.57US gal dry
28ft³ 180.00US gal dry
29ft³ 186.43US gal dry
30ft³ 192.86US gal dry
31ft³ 199.28US gal dry
32ft³ 205.71US gal dry
33ft³ 212.14US gal dry
34ft³ 218.57US gal dry
35ft³ 225.00US gal dry
36ft³ 231.43US gal dry
37ft³ 237.85US gal dry
38ft³ 244.28US gal dry
39ft³ 250.71US gal dry
Cubic Feet US Gallons (Dry)
40ft³ 257.14US gal dry
41ft³ 263.57US gal dry
42ft³ 270.00US gal dry
43ft³ 276.43US gal dry
44ft³ 282.85US gal dry
45ft³ 289.28US gal dry
46ft³ 295.71US gal dry
47ft³ 302.14US gal dry
48ft³ 308.57US gal dry
49ft³ 315.00US gal dry
50ft³ 321.43US gal dry
51ft³ 327.85US gal dry
52ft³ 334.28US gal dry
53ft³ 340.71US gal dry
54ft³ 347.14US gal dry
55ft³ 353.57US gal dry
56ft³ 360.00US gal dry
57ft³ 366.43US gal dry
58ft³ 372.85US gal dry
59ft³ 379.28US gal dry