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Cubic Feet conversion

A unit of measurement for volume. It represents an area one foot long, by one foot wide, by one foot deep. Natural gas is measured in cubic feet, but the measurements are usually expressed in terms of Bcf, Tcf, Mcf, or Quads.

Cubic Feet to...
Cubic Feet to Cubic Meters Cubic Meters: (European spelling: cubic metre) A metric unit of volume, commonly used in expressing concentrations of a chemical in a volume of air. One cubic meter equals 35.3 cubic feet or 1.3 cubic yards. One cubic meter also equals 1000 liters or one million cubic centimeters.
Cubic Feet to Liters l Liters: (European spelling: litre) Basic unit of volume in the metric system. A liter of water weighs one kilogram.
Cubic Feet to Centiliters cl Centiliters: (European spelling: centilitre) A metric unit of volume equal to one hundredth of a liter
Cubic Feet to Milliliters ml Milliliters: (European spelling: millilitre) A metric unit of volume equal to one thousandth of a liter
Cubic Feet to Cubic Yards yrd³ Cubic Yards: A unit of volume (as for sand or gravel)
Cubic Feet to US Barrels (Dry) barrels (US Dry) US Barrels (Dry): US measurement of volume for dry materials. See also US liquid barrels, US federal barrels, US oil barrels and UK barrels.
Cubic Feet to US Barrels (Liquid) barrels (US Liquid) US Barrels (Liquid): US measurement of volume for non-petroleum liquids. See also US oil barrels, US federal barrels, US dry barrels and UK barrels.
Cubic Feet to US Barrels (Oil) barrels (US Oil) US Barrels (Oil): US measurement of volume for petroleum. See also US liquid barrels, US federal barrels, US dry barrels and UK barrels.
Cubic Feet to US Barrels (Federal) barrels (US Federal) US Barrels (Federal): US measurement of volume for dry materials. See also US liquid barrels, US dry barrels, US oil barrels and UK barrels.
Cubic Feet to UK Barrels barrels (UK) UK Barrels: UK A British imperial measurement for both Liquid and Dry material
Cubic Feet to US Gallons (Liquid) gallons (US Liquid) US Gallons (Liquid): A US capacity measure (for liquid) equal to 4 quarts or 3.785 liters. Note also there are different measures of US dry gallons and UK gallons.
Cubic Feet to US Gallons (Dry) gallons (US Dry) US Gallons (Dry): A US capacity measure (for dry material) equal to 4 quarts or 4.404 liters. Note also there are different measures of US liquid gallons and UK gallons.
Cubic Feet to UK Gallons gallons (UK) UK Gallons: A British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 4 quarts or 4.545 liters.
Cubic Feet to US Quarts (Liquid) quart (US liquid) US Quarts (Liquid): A US capacity measure (for liquids) equal to 2 pints or 0.946 liters
Cubic Feet to US Quarts (Dry) quart (US dry) US Quarts (Dry): A US capacity measure (for dry material) equal to 2 pints or 1.101 liters
Cubic Feet to UK Quarts quart (UK) UK Quarts: A British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 2 pints or 1.136 liters
Cubic Feet to US Pints (Liquid) pt (US Liquid) US Pints (Liquid): A US capacity measure (for liquid) equal to 0.473 liters. Note also there are different measures of US dry pints and UK pints.
Cubic Feet to US Pints (Dry) pt (US Dry) US Pints (Dry): A US capacity measure (for liquid) equal to 0.55 liters. Note also there are different measures of US liquid pints and UK pints.
Cubic Feet to UK Pints pt (UK) UK Pints: A British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 4 gills or 568.26 cubic centimeters
Cubic Feet to US Cups cups (US) US Cups: A United States liquid unit equal to 8 fluid ounces.
Cubic Feet to Canadian Cups cups (Canadian) Canadian Cups: A Canadian liquid unit which differs slightly to the US and metric cup measurment
Cubic Feet to Metric Cups cups (Metric) Metric Cups: A metric approximation to the US cup measurement equal to a quarter of a liter
Cubic Feet to US Gills gill (US) US Gills: A US capacity unit (liquid or dry) equal to 4 fluid ounces.
Cubic Feet to US Tablespoons tbl.sp. (US) US Tablespoons: United States cooking measurement.
Cubic Feet to UK Tablespoons tbl.sp (UK) UK Tablespoons: A British cooking measurement.
Cubic Feet to Metric Tablespoons tbl.sp (Metric) Metric Tablespoons: A metric approximation to the popular cooking measurement
Cubic Feet to US Teaspoons tea sp. (US) US Teaspoons: United States cooking measurement.
Cubic Feet to UK Teaspoons tea sp. (UK) UK Teaspoons: A British cooking measurement.
Cubic Feet to Metric Teaspoons tea sp. (Metric) Metric Teaspoons: A metric approximation to the popular cooking measurement
Cubic Feet to US Fluid Ounces fl.oz. (US) US Fluid Ounces: United States cooking measurement.
Cubic Feet to UK Fluid Ounces fl.oz. (UK) UK Fluid Ounces: A British cooking measurement.
Cubic Feet to Cubic Inches cu. in. Cubic Inches: A unit of measurement for volume. It represents an area one inch long, by one inch wide, by one inch deep.
Cubic Feet to Cubic Centimeters (also Milliliters) (ml) Cubic Centimeters (also Milliliters): The volume equivelent to a cube of one centimeter by one centimeter by one centimeter. More often referred to as a Milliliter since it is a thousanth of a liter.
Cubic Feet to Cubic Millimeters cu. mm. Cubic Millimeters: The volume equivelent to a cube of one millimeter by one millimeter by one millimeter. More often referred to as a microliter as it is a millionth of a liter.
Cubic Feet to Microliter ul Microliter: The volume equivelent to a cube of one millimeter by one millimeter by one millimeter. A millionth of a liter.
Cubic Feet to Kiloliters kl Kiloliters: (European spelling: kilolitre) A metric unit of volume equivelent to 1000 liters or one cubic meter.
Cubic Feet to Gills (UK) gill (UK) Gills (UK): A British Imperial unit of measurement equal to a quarter of a (UK) pint Cubic Feet
Cubic Meters to Cubic Feet Cubic Meters: (European spelling: cubic metre) A metric unit of volume, commonly used in expressing concentrations of a chemical in a volume of air. One cubic meter equals 35.3 cubic feet or 1.3 cubic yards. One cubic meter also equals 1000 liters or one million cubic centimeters.
Liters to Cubic Feet l Liters: (European spelling: litre) Basic unit of volume in the metric system. A liter of water weighs one kilogram.
Centiliters to Cubic Feet cl Centiliters: (European spelling: centilitre) A metric unit of volume equal to one hundredth of a liter
Milliliters to Cubic Feet ml Milliliters: (European spelling: millilitre) A metric unit of volume equal to one thousandth of a liter
Cubic Yards to Cubic Feet yrd³ Cubic Yards: A unit of volume (as for sand or gravel)
US Barrels (Dry) to Cubic Feet barrels (US Dry) US Barrels (Dry): US measurement of volume for dry materials. See also US liquid barrels, US federal barrels, US oil barrels and UK barrels.
US Barrels (Liquid) to Cubic Feet barrels (US Liquid) US Barrels (Liquid): US measurement of volume for non-petroleum liquids. See also US oil barrels, US federal barrels, US dry barrels and UK barrels.
US Barrels (Oil) to Cubic Feet barrels (US Oil) US Barrels (Oil): US measurement of volume for petroleum. See also US liquid barrels, US federal barrels, US dry barrels and UK barrels.
US Barrels (Federal) to Cubic Feet barrels (US Federal) US Barrels (Federal): US measurement of volume for dry materials. See also US liquid barrels, US dry barrels, US oil barrels and UK barrels.
UK Barrels to Cubic Feet barrels (UK) UK Barrels: UK A British imperial measurement for both Liquid and Dry material
US Gallons (Liquid) to Cubic Feet gallons (US Liquid) US Gallons (Liquid): A US capacity measure (for liquid) equal to 4 quarts or 3.785 liters. Note also there are different measures of US dry gallons and UK gallons.
US Gallons (Dry) to Cubic Feet gallons (US Dry) US Gallons (Dry): A US capacity measure (for dry material) equal to 4 quarts or 4.404 liters. Note also there are different measures of US liquid gallons and UK gallons.
UK Gallons to Cubic Feet gallons (UK) UK Gallons: A British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 4 quarts or 4.545 liters.
Cubic Feet to Cubic Feet ft³ Cubic Feet: A unit of measurement for volume. It represents an area one foot long, by one foot wide, by one foot deep. Natural gas is measured in cubic feet, but the measurements are usually expressed in terms of Bcf, Tcf, Mcf, or Quads.
US Quarts (Liquid) to Cubic Feet quart (US liquid) US Quarts (Liquid): A US capacity measure (for liquids) equal to 2 pints or 0.946 liters
US Quarts (Dry) to Cubic Feet quart (US dry) US Quarts (Dry): A US capacity measure (for dry material) equal to 2 pints or 1.101 liters
UK Quarts to Cubic Feet quart (UK) UK Quarts: A British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 2 pints or 1.136 liters
US Pints (Liquid) to Cubic Feet pt (US Liquid) US Pints (Liquid): A US capacity measure (for liquid) equal to 0.473 liters. Note also there are different measures of US dry pints and UK pints.
US Pints (Dry) to Cubic Feet pt (US Dry) US Pints (Dry): A US capacity measure (for liquid) equal to 0.55 liters. Note also there are different measures of US liquid pints and UK pints.
UK Pints to Cubic Feet pt (UK) UK Pints: A British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 4 gills or 568.26 cubic centimeters
US Cups to Cubic Feet cups (US) US Cups: A United States liquid unit equal to 8 fluid ounces.
Canadian Cups to Cubic Feet cups (Canadian) Canadian Cups: A Canadian liquid unit which differs slightly to the US and metric cup measurment
Metric Cups to Cubic Feet cups (Metric) Metric Cups: A metric approximation to the US cup measurement equal to a quarter of a liter
US Gills to Cubic Feet gill (US) US Gills: A US capacity unit (liquid or dry) equal to 4 fluid ounces.
US Tablespoons to Cubic Feet tbl.sp. (US) US Tablespoons: United States cooking measurement.
UK Tablespoons to Cubic Feet tbl.sp (UK) UK Tablespoons: A British cooking measurement.
Metric Tablespoons to Cubic Feet tbl.sp (Metric) Metric Tablespoons: A metric approximation to the popular cooking measurement
US Teaspoons to Cubic Feet tea sp. (US) US Teaspoons: United States cooking measurement.
UK Teaspoons to Cubic Feet tea sp. (UK) UK Teaspoons: A British cooking measurement.
Metric Teaspoons to Cubic Feet tea sp. (Metric) Metric Teaspoons: A metric approximation to the popular cooking measurement
US Fluid Ounces to Cubic Feet fl.oz. (US) US Fluid Ounces: United States cooking measurement.
UK Fluid Ounces to Cubic Feet fl.oz. (UK) UK Fluid Ounces: A British cooking measurement.
Cubic Inches to Cubic Feet cu. in. Cubic Inches: A unit of measurement for volume. It represents an area one inch long, by one inch wide, by one inch deep.
Cubic Centimeters (also Milliliters) to Cubic Feet (ml) Cubic Centimeters (also Milliliters): The volume equivelent to a cube of one centimeter by one centimeter by one centimeter. More often referred to as a Milliliter since it is a thousanth of a liter.
Cubic Millimeters to Cubic Feet cu. mm. Cubic Millimeters: The volume equivelent to a cube of one millimeter by one millimeter by one millimeter. More often referred to as a microliter as it is a millionth of a liter.
Microliter to Cubic Feet ul Microliter: The volume equivelent to a cube of one millimeter by one millimeter by one millimeter. A millionth of a liter.
Kiloliters to Cubic Feet kl Kiloliters: (European spelling: kilolitre) A metric unit of volume equivelent to 1000 liters or one cubic meter.
Gills (UK) to Cubic Feet gill (UK) Gills (UK): A British Imperial unit of measurement equal to a quarter of a (UK) pint