Cubic Meters to US Barrels (Liquid)

US Barrels (Liquid) to Cubic Meters (Swap Units)


Note: Fractional results are rounded to the nearest 1/64. For a more accurate answer please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

Note: For a pure decimal result please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Show formula

Cubic Meters to US Barrels (Liquid) formula

US bbl lqd =
m³ * 8.3864
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Cubic Meters

A metric unit of volume, commonly used in expressing concentrations of a chemical in a volume of air. One cubic meter equals 35.3 cubic feet or 1.3 cubic yards. One cubic meter also equals 1000 liters or one million cubic centimeters.


Cubic Meters to US Barrels (Liquid) formula

US bbl lqd =
m³ * 8.3864

US Barrels (Liquid)

US measurement of volume for non-petroleum liquids. See also US oil barrels, US federal barrels, US dry barrels and UK barrels.


Cubic Meters to US Barrels (Liquid) table

Print table
< Smaller Values Larger Values >
Cubic Meters US Barrels (Liquid)
0 0.00US bbl lqd
1 8.39US bbl lqd
2 16.77US bbl lqd
3 25.16US bbl lqd
4 33.55US bbl lqd
5 41.93US bbl lqd
6 50.32US bbl lqd
7 58.70US bbl lqd
8 67.09US bbl lqd
9 75.48US bbl lqd
10 83.86US bbl lqd
11 92.25US bbl lqd
12 100.64US bbl lqd
13 109.02US bbl lqd
14 117.41US bbl lqd
15 125.80US bbl lqd
16 134.18US bbl lqd
17 142.57US bbl lqd
18 150.96US bbl lqd
19 159.34US bbl lqd
Cubic Meters US Barrels (Liquid)
20 167.73US bbl lqd
21 176.11US bbl lqd
22 184.50US bbl lqd
23 192.89US bbl lqd
24 201.27US bbl lqd
25 209.66US bbl lqd
26 218.05US bbl lqd
27 226.43US bbl lqd
28 234.82US bbl lqd
29 243.21US bbl lqd
30 251.59US bbl lqd
31 259.98US bbl lqd
32 268.37US bbl lqd
33 276.75US bbl lqd
34 285.14US bbl lqd
35 293.52US bbl lqd
36 301.91US bbl lqd
37 310.30US bbl lqd
38 318.68US bbl lqd
39 327.07US bbl lqd
Cubic Meters US Barrels (Liquid)
40 335.46US bbl lqd
41 343.84US bbl lqd
42 352.23US bbl lqd
43 360.62US bbl lqd
44 369.00US bbl lqd
45 377.39US bbl lqd
46 385.78US bbl lqd
47 394.16US bbl lqd
48 402.55US bbl lqd
49 410.93US bbl lqd
50 419.32US bbl lqd
51 427.71US bbl lqd
52 436.09US bbl lqd
53 444.48US bbl lqd
54 452.87US bbl lqd
55 461.25US bbl lqd
56 469.64US bbl lqd
57 478.03US bbl lqd
58 486.41US bbl lqd
59 494.80US bbl lqd