Thai baht conversion

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Thai baht →

this page last updated:: Sun 22 Jul 2018

Thai baht

Worldwide use:


In 1942 the Bank Of Thailand was formed and took over the issuance of the nation's currency. The coins come in denominations of 1, 5 and 10 Satang which are rarely used, and 25 and 50 Satang which are more frequently used. There are also 1, 2, 5 and 10 Baht coins. Notes come in denominations of 20, 50, 80, 100, 500 and 1000 Baht notes.

In August 2012 the Bank of Thailand issued a new commemorative 80 Baht banknote to celebrate Queen Sirikit's 80th birthday. It was the first Thai banknote to feature the new Crane's Motion security thread.


The Thai currency dates back to 1897. It was originally called the Tical and this name was used in conjunction with English text on banknotes until 1925. There after, the name Baht became the norm and the currency was printed only in Thai language. The coins were originally valued by their unit of weight in gold or silver.

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Central bank:

