Libyan dinar conversion

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Libyan dinar →

this page last updated:: Sun 22 Jul 2018

Libyan dinar

Worldwide use:


The Libyan Dinar is the official currency of Libya. One Libyan Dinar is worth 100 Libyan Dirham. Coins are issued in 50 and 100 Dirhams as well as ¼ and ½ Dinar. Banknotes come in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50 Libyan Dinars. Since the 2011 revolution, a revised 5 Dinar note was issued depicting anti-Gaddafi protestors and peace doves.

Libyan currency has many nicknames. The Libyan Dinar is referred to as 'Jni' or 'Jneh.' The informal name for 10 Dirhams is 'Garsh'. 'Kilo' is used to describe 1000 Dinars, 5 Dinar banknotes are called 'Faifa' and the 10 Dinar banknotes are called 'Tsena.' 'Omar El-Mokhtar' is the name for the Libyan Dinar currency in general, named after a fighter who appears on the 10 Dinar banknote.


Libya was under Ottoman Empire rule until 1911 and Ottoman Qirsh was the official currency. After the Italo-Turkish war, Italian Lira were introduced. The country was divided into French and British regions whilst the country was known as Italian North Africa. Tripolitanian Lira were used in the British side and Algerian Francs were used in the French side. In 1951, following Libya's declaration of independence, the Libyan Pound was established. In September 1971, the Libyan Dinar was launched and replaced the Libyan Pound at par.

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